Compreender piadas em inglês é um grande passo para a aprendizagem do idioma pois, para isso, é necessário entender não apenas a estrutura gramatical e o significado das palavras, mas também o significado cultural e o sarcasmo nelas envolvido.
Selecionei algumas piadas curtinhas for you to have fun! Se houver dúvidas sobre seus significados, postem nos comentários! Ajudarei com muito prazer!
Teacher: “Give me a sentence starting with the letter ‘I'”.
Pupil: “I is-“
Teacher: “No, you must always say ‘I am’.”
Pupil: “Okay, ‘I am the ninth letter of the alphabet’.”
The men wrote: “Woman, without her man, is nothing.”
The women wrote: “Woman! Without her, man is nothing.”
Father: Son, what are your results in the end of term examination?
Son: Underwater.
Father: What do you mean, underwater?
Son: Below “C” level.
“That’s easy” says the other one. “In capitalism man exploits man! In communism it is the other way around!”
“Just imagine, children, if he had not risked the ocean, you would not be here today. Wasn’t he marvellous?”
All the children cheered, except one.
“Aren’t you pleased young fellow?”
“No miss.”
“I’m an Indian.”
“I want to learn to ski on one leg.”
“Certainly sir, but why?”
“I’ll only need to hire one ski.”
Policeman: Well, first you turn on the hot and cold taps then …
Postman: Is this letter for you? The name is smudged.
Man: No, it can’t be for me, my name is Smith
What’s better than 10 dead babies in 1 bag?
1 dead baby in 10 bags. (lol)