Video Activity: Environment

Escrito por Carina Fragozo

Hi mates!

 Today I’m sharing  one of the activities I prepared when I taught English to students of a Technical Course on Environment.  It is suitable for all ages and can be used with beginners and lower intermediate students.
You can download this activity for free, just click HERE. 

I suggest the following procedures:

1) Read question A in Task 1 (general comprehension) and play the video. After students watch it for the first time, ask them how they would divide it into 2 parts (Part 1: problems / Part 2: solutions)

2) Give students a minute to read sentences in B and play the video up to 1:22. Check answers.

3) Ask students to write what they understand in each of the 5 steps to change the planet. Play the rest of the video.

I hope you like it! I’ve used it twice with beginners and it worked well!

See you soon!

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