Song activity about drugs and alcohol: We are young, by Fun

Escrito por Carina Fragozo
Many EFL textbooks have a unit that refers to the use of alcohol and other drugs. In order to introduce this topic, I prepared this song activity for my intermediate students. I’ve looked for many songs about drugs, and I found great hits like “Mr. Brownstone”, by Guns n’ Roses, and “Beetlebum”, by Blur. However, as it was a group of teenagers, the students would not recognize those songs, and probably wouldn’t like the activity.
So, I chose a current hit, which is “We are young”, by Fun. I prepared a listening activity similar to the one I posted last week, with the song Do the evolution, in which the students have to listen to the song and identify the missing words. I suggest the following procedures:
1) Tell students that they are going to listen to a song about the use of alcohol and other drugs. Explain the listening activity and tell them that there are 22 missing words. 
2) Students listen to the song (without watching the video) and complete it.
3) Class check and play the song again, pausing little by little, if necessary.
4) Sts watch the video and discuss the questions in their worksheets in pairs/trios. Then, have a whole-class discussion.
My students really liked the song, and we even had a “mini-choir” in class, as they wanted to practice the lyrics. I hope you try it with your students!

                                Listen to the song and identify the missing words.
We are young, by Fun.
Give me a 
I, I need to get my straight
My friends are in the
Getting higher than the Empire State
My lover she’s waiting for me
across the bar
My seats been taken by some sunglasses
Asking ‘bout a scar 

And I know I gave it to you ago
I you’re trying to forget
But between the drinks and subtle things
The holes in my
You know I’m trying hard to take it back
So if by the the bar closes
And you feel like falling down
I’ll you home

We are young
     So let’s the world on fire   (2x)
We can brighter
Than the
 Lyrics from: ]
Now I that I’m not
All that you got
I guess that I
I just thought maybe we could find new ways to fall apart
But our are back
So let’s raise a cup
Cause I found someone to me home 

Carry me tonight
carry me home tonight
Carry me home tonight
Just carry me tonight

The world is on my side
I have no reason to run
So will come and carry me home tonight
The never arrived
But I can hear the choir
So will someone come and carry me

So if by the time the bar closes
And you feel like falling
I’ll carry you home tonight

We are young, by Fun.

Give me a second

I, I need to get my storystraight

My friends are in the bathroom

Getting higher than the Empire State
My lover she’s waiting for me

Just across the bar

My seats been taken by some sunglasses
Asking ‘bout a scar 

And I know I gave it to you monthsago

I know you’re trying to forget

But between the drinks and subtle things
The holes in my apologies
You know I’m trying hard to take it back
So if by the timethe bar closes
And you feel like falling down
I’ll carry you home


We are young

So let’s set the world on fire

We can burnbrighter

Than the sun


We are young

So let’s set the world on fire

We can burn brighter

Than the sun

[ Lyrics from: ]

Now I know that I’m not

All that you got
I guess that I
I just thought maybe we could find new ways to fall apart
But our friends are back
So let’s raise a cup
Cause I found someone to carryme home

Carry me hometonight

Just carry me home tonight

Carry me home tonight

Just carry me hometonight

The world is on my side

I have no reason to run

So will someonecome and carry me home tonight

The angels never arrived

But I can hear the choir

So will someone come and carry me home

So if by the time the bar closes

And you feel like falling down

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