Song activity – Do the evolution (Pearl Jam)

Escrito por Carina Fragozo
Today I’m posting an activity that I’ve prepared to talk about the environment and to promote a discussion   on the main problems we face in the world nowadays. I chose the song “Do the Evolution”, by Pearl Jam, because both the video clip and the lyrics have a strong message, which can generate a good discussion. I used this activity with an advanced group of adults last week and they contributed with a lot of ideas. 
I did it the following way:
1) Ask students what they do to help the environment and to mention the main challenges humanity faces nowadays.
2) Sts receive the worksheet. Tell them to read the instructions and make sure all the sts know what they are supposed to do (they have to listen to the song and add the missing words. They don’t have the blanks to complete because I wanted to make it more difficult, as they are an advanced group. However, you can adapt the listening activity to your sts’ level).
3) Sts listen to the song (without watching the video) and complete it.
4) Class check and listen to it again, if necessary.
5) Sts watch the video and discuss the questions in the worksheet in small groups. Then, have a whole-class discussion.
As some followers of the blog were having trouble in downloading pdf files, I’m putting the activity in the post itself, without any link. Here it goes:
The person who typed this song is a little clumsy and forgot to type some words. Listen to the song and complete with the missing words.
Do the evolution – Pearl Jam

Discuss in pairs/trios:
1)    What kind of evolution does the song refer to?
2)   What is being criticized in the song/video?
3)   Did the images impress you? Mention some examples.
4)   In your opinion, what are the most serious problems that humanity is facing nowadays? Can we do something to change it?


I’m ahead, I’m a
I’m the first mammal to wear pants, yeah 
I’m at with my lust 
I can kill ‘cause in I trust, yeah 
It’s evolution,

I’m at peace, I’m the man 
Buying on the day of the crash 
On the loose, I’m a truck 
All the rolling hills, I’ll flatten ‘em out, yeah 
It’s herd, uh huh 
It’s evolution, baby 
[ Lyrics from: ]
Admire me, admire home 
Admire my son, he’s my
Yeah, yeah, yeah, yeah 
This is mine, this land is free 
I’ll do what I but irresponsibly 
It’s evolution, baby 

I’m a thief, I’m a liar 
There’s my, I sing in the choir: 
(hallelujah, hallelujah) 

Admire me, admire my home 
Admire my son, my clones 
‘Cause we know, for a nightly feast 
Those ignorant Indians got nothin’ on me 
Nothin’, why? 
Because… it’s evolution, baby! 

I am ahea
d, I am advanced 
I am the first to make plans, yeah 
I crawled the, but now I’m higher 
2010, watch it go to fire 
It’s evolution, baby 
Do the evolution 
Come on, come on, come on

I’m ahead, I’m a man 
I’m the first mammal to wear pants, yeah 
I’m at peace with my lust 
I can kill ‘cause in God I trust, yeah 
It’s evolution, baby 

I’m at peace, I’m the man 
Buying stocks on the day of the crash 
On the loose, I’m a truck 
All the rolling hills, I’ll flatten ‘em out, yeah 
It’s herd behavior, uh huh 
It’s evolution, baby 
[ Lyrics from: ]
Admire me, admire my home 
Admire my son, he’s my clone 
Yeah, yeah, yeah, yeah 
This land is mine, this land is free 
I’ll do what I want but irresponsibly 
It’s evolution, baby 

I’m a thief, I’m a liar 
There’s my church, I sing in the choir: 
(hallelujah, hallelujah) 

Admire me, admire my home 
Admire my son, admire my clones 
‘Cause we know, appetite for a nightly feast 
Those ignorant Indians got nothin’ on me 
Nothin’, why? 
Because… it’s evolution, baby! 

I am ahead, I am advanced 
I am the first mammal to make plans, yeah 
I crawled the earth, but now I’m higher 
2010, watch it go to fire 
It’s evolution, baby 
Do the evolution 
Come on, come on, come on

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