Song Activity: Last Friday Night, by Katy Perry

Escrito por Carina Fragozo

Hi, everyone!

I’ve been using American English File 1 (BTW, this is my favorite textbook) with two private students and one of the units is about going out with friends. The book suggests an activity based on Dancing Queen, by Abba, but I decided to use Last Friday Night, by Katy Perry, because of my students’ musical preferences. Be careful: some parts of the song refer to sex and drinking heavily, so it’s not suitable for all ages and profiles.
This is a very simple task, and you could use it to finish the class. Check the answers here.

You might want to check some vocabulary:
there’s a pounding in my head: a big hangover headache.
ginger ale: a type of soda
hickie (slang): a reddish mark left on the skin by a passionate kiss
bruise: a hematoma 

Listening Activity

1.  Listen to the song. Are the words in bold right or wrong? Tick or cross the lines.
2.  Listen again. Correct the wrong words.

Last Friday Night, by Katy Perry
There’s a stranger in my bed,
There’s a pounding in my bath
Glitter all over the room
Pink flamingos in the woods
I smell like a minibar
DJ’s passed out in the yard
Barbie’s on the living room
There’s a hickie or a bruise
Pictures of last night
Ended up offline 
I’m screwed
Oh well
It’s a white top blur
But I’m pretty sure it ruled
Last Friday night
Yeah we smiled on tabletops
And we took too many shots
Think we kissed but I forgot
Last Friday night
Yeah we maxed our credit cards
And got kicked out of the pub
So we hit the boulevard
Last Friday night
We went streaking in the dark
Skinny dipping in the dark
Then had a ***
Last Friday night
Yeah I think we broke the saw
Always say we’re gonna stop-op
This Friday night
Do it all again (2x)
Trying to join the dots
Don’t know what to tell my boss
Think the city towed my car
Chandelier is on the table
With my favorite party dress
Warrants out for my test
Think I want a ginger ale
That was such an epic fail
Pictures of last night
Ended up offline 
I’m screwed
Oh well
It’s a white top blur
But I’m pretty sure it ruled
Last Friday night
Yeah we smiled on tabletops
And we took too many shots
Think we kissed but I forgot
Last Friday night
Yeah we maxed our credit cards
And got kicked out of the pub
So we hit the boulevard
Last Friday night
We went streaking in the dark
Skinny dipping in the dark
Then had a ***
Last Friday night
Yeah I think we broke the saw
Always say we’re gonna stop-op
This Friday night
Do it all again

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