Idioms com a palavra "laugh"

Escrito por Carina Fragozo

Hey, guys! No post de hoje, reuni quatro expressões com a palavra laugh (rir, riso). Take a look:

To burst out laughing = suddenly start laughing (rir “do nada”, explodir no riso)
Ex: I was very sad yesterday, but I burst out laughing when I saw my friend wearing that stupid hat.

It’s no laughing matter = a serious situation (uma situação séria, que não é para rir)
Ex: I’m not sure you notice how serious the situation is. It’s no laughing matter.

To laugh your head off = to laugh a lot (rir muito, se matar de rir)
Ex: I loved having lunch with my dad. I laughed my head off with his jokes.

To have/get the last laugh: to be successful after people doubted our criticized you (ter sucesso depois de ter sido criticado, algo como “quem ri por último, ri melhor”)

Ex: We’ll have the last laugh when they see we’ve got the money.

Se gostou da dica, compartilhe com seus amigos!
Obrigada por tudo, see you soon!

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