Song Activity: Wake me up, by Avicii

Escrito por Carina Fragozo
Hey, guys! Here’s another song activity I’ve prepared for my students. The song is really nice, I’m sure your students will like it, too!

Wake me Up, by AVICII
1. Fill in the banks with the missing words.
Feeling my way through the __________
Guided by a beating __________
I can’t ________ where the _______ will end
But I __________ where to start
They tell me I’m too _______ to understand
They say I’m caught up in a __________
Well life will pass me ___ if I don’t open up my _______
Well, that’s _______ by me
So ________ ____ up _____ it’s all ______
________ I’m _______ and I’m _________
_____ this _____ I was _______ _______
And I ________ know I was ________ (2x)
I tried ________ the weight of the _______
But I only have two _________
I ______ I get the chance to ______ the world
But I don’t have any _________
I _______ that I could stay forever this ________ 
Not afraid to close my _______ 
Life’s a ________ made for everyone 
And ________ is the _______ 
So ________ ____ up _____ it’s all ______
________ I’m _______ and I’m _________
_____ this _____ I was _______ _______
And I ________ know I was ________ (2x)
So ________ ____ up _____ it’s all ______
_______ I’m _______ and I’m _________
_____ this _____ I was _______ _______
And I ________ know I was ________ (2x)

2. What’s the song about?

(   ) getting old       (   ) traveling the world  (   ) finding a place where you belong
3. Find the translation of the following words and expressions in the song:
a) Preso:
b) Eu gostaria que…:
c) Sem medo:
4. What’s the story told in the videoclip? Does it have anything to do with the lyrics? Explain. 

Answer key:
2) Finding a place where you belong
3) a) caught up b) I wish that… c) Not afraid

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