Textos do episódio 92 do podcast Way Ahead

Escrito por Fabio Emerim

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Hello and welcome to another edition of  Way Ahead. This is teacher Fabio Emerim and here are the news of the week

France and Italy intensified their fight over migration after Italy’s far-right government failed to let a charity-operated ship come there.

The ship carried sick passengers who were rescued at sea between Libya and Italy. The ship had been stuck in Italian waters for weeks as it looked for a place to accept the migrants. For the first time, France allowed the rescue ship to land there, and the Ocean Viking eventually docked in the French port of Toulon.

Afterward, France decided to stop a plan to take 3,500 asylum seekers currently in Italy as a part of a European solidarity accord. The standoff is part of a crisis in Paris’s relations with Italy’s new prime minister Giorgia Meloni.

Nicolas Rossi spent 11 months trying to trick Scottish courts. He wanted them to believe that he was Arthur Knight, an Irish orphan who’d never been to the US.

Authorities alleged that Knight was lying, and he was actually Rossi, a fugitive suspect who was fighting extradition to the US. On Friday, a court ruled that the man was lying, and he will now face extradition to the US in March 2023.

In 2008, Rossi allegedly raped a 21-year-old woman, and he was fighting an extradition request by US authorities. In the same year, he was convicted of sexually assaulting another woman. In 2020, he reportedly faked his own death, and fled to Scotland to escape sentencing.

Last year, staff at a Scottish hospital spotted Rossi’s tattoos while they treated him for coronavirus. However, he claimed that someone tattooed him while he was unconscious in hospital. He spent the last two years insisting that he was a victim of mistaken identity.

In Munich, Germany, the Deutches Museum has put a Cipher Machine 41 or SG-41 on display. It was the successor of the Enigma Machine, and Nazi Germany’s military used it in 1941 to encrypt strategic messages during World War II.

Fritz Menzer designed the machine to replace the Enigma machine after Alan Turing and his team cracked Enigma. Thanks to an improved irregular encryption algorithm, SG-41 had significantly more encryption combinations compared to the Enigma. Menzer developed other machines, too, and he also worked on cryptanalysis machines to crack the codes of other countries.

In 2017, an amateur treasure hunter discovered SG-41 in the forest near Ayin. It was badly corroded because the Nazis stored it underground to probably hide.

The Deutches Museum is using 3D visualizations to make the exhibit more accessible and engaging for visitors. Modern technologies make it possible to explore the encryption technologies hidden inside without opening the machine, which would cause irreparable damage.

Someone bought a lottery ticket in California, US, and won a record 2.04-billion-dollar jackpot. The win happened after more than three months without anyone hitting the top prize.

Lottery officials announced the winning numbers on Tuesday morning, nearly 10 hours after the scheduled Monday night drawing because of technical problems with data. Lottery officials acknowledged the delay was frustrating for such a high-profile drawing; however, the game’s security process took precedence.

The jackpot ticket was sold in Altadena, California, and for selling the winning ticket, business owner Joe Chahayed will receive a maximum lottery bonus of 1 million dollars.  The owner said that he didn’t know who won the prize, but he hoped that it was someone local.

Under California rules, the name of the winner must be disclosed; however, no other information has to be public.

A family walk and picnic in the Dolomites, Italy, was interrupted by a shocking and unexpected encounter with a bear.

Twelve-year-old Alessandro was wandering among the bushes looking for pinecones, when he appeared to be followed by a bear. The boy, who is passionate about nature, knew that he had to walk away slowly not to alarm the animal. Alessandro´s mother panicked; however, the boy told her to be silent. When he safely reached his family, the bear stopped following him and disappeared.

Later, Alessandro told the local press that the secret was to keep calm and not to look the animal in the eyes. He also revealed that he was so excited about the adventure, and that he was the happiest child in the world.

On November 6, 2022, representatives from 197 countries convened in Sharm el-Sheikh, Egypt, for the 2022 UN climate conference COP 27.

They met to strengthen action against global warming. Each of them had their own concerns and interests, which made a huge challenge to consensus.

China is the world’s biggest greenhouse gas emitter; additionally, the country is increasing its coal use to prevent energy security risks. The Chinese president said the country would try to lower carbon dioxide emissions in 2030 and achieve carbon neutrality before 2060. The United States is the world’s second biggest emitter, and its target is to reduce carbon emissions by 1 billion tons annually by 2030.

The EU’s greenhouse gas emissions comprise about 8% of the global total, and they have been trending downwards for years. The EU has pledged to cut all emissions from 1990 levels by at least 55% by 2030 and then zero by 2050.

Fast-developing countries like Brazil, South Africa, India, and China have highly polluting economies, and they have asked rich countries for more climate allowances. They stated that wealthy countries were historically responsible for the current problems.

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