Legenda Para Acompanhar O Episódio 142 Do Podcast Way Ahead – Strange Objects and Artifacts that Science Still Needs to Explain

Escrito por Fabio Emerim

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Throughout history, there have been a number of objects that simply don’t seem to fit either the place where they were found or the era they are dated to. Let’s take a look at some of these objects, which range from a strange book that no one is able to identify the language of or determine its author, to geometrically impossible rocks. These are objects and artifacts science still needs to explain!

The Voynich Manuscript is one of the most enigmatic and mysterious books in the world. It is a handwritten, illustrated codex that dates back to the early 15th century, and its pages are filled with an unknown script and strange, intricate illustrations of plants, animals, human figures, and various esoteric symbols. The manuscript is named after Wilfrid Voynich, a rare book dealer who purchased it in 1912.

The most prominent feature of the manuscript is its text, which remains undeciphered to this day. The script consists of a series of characters that do not correspond to any known language or writing system. Numerous cryptographers, linguists, and scholars have attempted to crack the code, but none have been successful.

The illustrations in the manuscript depict plants that don’t match any known species, bathing women, astrological charts, and other strange scenes. Some of the imagery is thought to be medical or herbal in nature, but the true purpose and meaning of the manuscript’s content remain elusive.

The origin and authorship of the Voynich Manuscript are subjects of much debate and speculation. Some theories suggest that it was created by an unknown Renaissance alchemist or herbalist, while others believe it might be a hoax or even an elaborate work of fiction.

In an attempt to date the manuscript, researchers conducted radiocarbon dating tests on its parchment in the early 21st century. The results indicated that the parchment dates to the 15th century, aligning with its historical context.

The Voynich Manuscript continues to captivate scholars and amateur cryptographers. Numerous efforts have been made to decipher its text, with some proposing that it could be a constructed language or a lost natural language. Despite these efforts, the manuscript’s true meaning remains shrouded in mystery.

The Antikythera mechanism is an extraordinary archaeological discovery that has fascinated scientists and historians for over a century. It is often referred to as the world’s oldest known analog computer and is considered one of the most significant artifacts from antiquity. 

The Antikythera mechanism was discovered in 1901 by Greek sponge divers off the coast of the Greek island of Antikythera. The divers were exploring a shipwreck believed to date back to the 1st century BCE when they stumbled upon a corroded and fragmented object that contained numerous gears and inscriptions.

Upon closer examination, it became evident that the Antikythera mechanism was a highly complex device. It consisted of a series of bronze gears and plates, housed in a wooden or bronze case. The device had a circular front dial with pointers, and it displayed a wealth of astronomical and calendrical information.

The primary purpose of the Antikythera mechanism was to predict astronomical phenomena. It could calculate the positions of the sun, moon, and possibly other celestial objects. It also provided information about lunar phases and solar and lunar eclipses.

The level of engineering and craftsmanship required to build the Antikythera mechanism was far ahead of its time. Its gears and mechanisms displayed a remarkable understanding of complex mathematics and the motion of celestial bodies.

The device is estimated to date back to around 150-100 BCE, making it more than 2,000 years old. Its exact origin remains a subject of debate among historians, but it is believed to have been created in ancient Greece, possibly on the island of Rhodes.

The stone spheres of Costa Rica, often referred to as the “Costa Rican stone balls” or “Las Bolas,” are a collection of intriguing and enigmatic artifacts found mainly in the Diquís Delta region of southern Costa Rica. These stone spheres have captivated the curiosity of archaeologists, historians, and tourists for decades.

The stone spheres vary in size, with diameters ranging from a few centimeters to over two meters. Some are nearly perfect spheres, while others are slightly flattened. Hundreds of these stone spheres have been discovered to date.

The exact origin and age of the stone spheres are subjects of ongoing research and debate. They are believed to have been created by indigenous people, likely the Diquís culture, which thrived in the region between 300 CE and 800 CE.

The stone spheres are carved from a type of granodiorite rock, a hard and dense material. The precision and craftsmanship required to create these spherical shapes, often with no visible tool marks, have left archaeologists puzzled about the techniques used.

Another remarkable aspect of the stone spheres is the question of how they were transported and positioned. Some of the larger spheres weigh several tons, and it is unclear how ancient people with limited technology moved them into their current locations.

The Baltic Sea Anomaly is the name given to an unusual and mysterious object that was discovered on the floor of the Baltic Sea in 2011. The anomaly was found during a sonar survey conducted by a Swedish treasure hunting company called Ocean X Team. Since its discovery, it has attracted significant attention and speculation regarding its origins and nature.

The Baltic Sea Anomaly was first detected in June 2011 during a sonar survey of the sea floor off the coast of Sweden. The Ocean X Team, led by Peter Lindberg and Dennis Åsberg, made the initial discovery. The object is located at a depth of approximately 85 to 90 meters.

The anomaly is characterized by its unique and enigmatic appearance. It has been described as a roughly circular or oval-shaped object with a diameter of about 60 meters (200 feet). It appears to have a central pillar or column, and the surface of the object is covered in strange, angular formations.

The discovery of the Baltic Sea Anomaly led to a wide range of speculation and theories about its origin. Some have suggested that it could be a sunken UFO or the remnants of an ancient underwater civilization. Others propose more natural explanations, such as glacial deposits or geological formations.

One of the challenges in studying the anomaly is its location in a relatively deep and remote part of the Baltic Sea, which can make exploration and data collection difficult and costly.

Despite the various investigations and theories, the Baltic Sea Anomaly continues to be a mystery. No definitive explanation has been established, and the object remains a subject of debate and curiosity.

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